Rabu, 7 Mac 2012


Source: The New York Times
Mental retardation is a condition diagnosed before age 18 that includes below-average general intellectual function, and a lack of the skills necessary for daily living.

Back to TopAlternative Names

Intellectual and developmental disability

Back to TopCauses

Mental retardation affects about 1 - 3% of the population. There are many causes of mental retardation, but doctors find a specific reason in only 25% of cases.
A family may suspect mental retardation if the child's motor skills, language skills, and self-help skills do not seem to be developing, or are developing at a far slower rate than the child's peers. Failure to adapt (adjust to new situations) normally and grow intellectually may become apparent early in a child's life. In the case of mild retardation, these failures may not become recognizable until school age or later.
The degree of impairment from mental retardation varies widely, from profoundly impaired to mild or borderline retardation. Less emphasis is now placed on the degree of retardation and more on the amount of intervention and care needed for daily life.
Risk factors are related to the causes. Causes of mental retardation can be roughly broken down into several categories:

Back to TopSymptoms

  • Continued infant-like behavior
  • Decreased learning ability
  • Failure to meet the markers of intellectual development
  • Inability to meet educational demands at school
  • Lack of curiosity
Note: Changes to normal behaviors depend on the severity of the condition. Mild retardation may be associated with a lack of curiosity and quiet behavior. Severe mental retardation is associated with infant-like behavior throughout life.

Back to TopExams and Tests

An assessment of age-appropriate adaptive behaviors can be made using developmental screening tests. The failure to achieve developmental milestones suggests mental retardation.
The following may be signs of mental retardation:
  • Abnormal Denver developmental screening test
  • Adaptive behavior score below average
  • Development way below that of peers
  • Intelligence quotient (IQ) score below 70 on a standardized IQ test

Back to TopTreatment

The primary goal of treatment is to develop the person's potential to the fullest. Special education and training may begin as early as infancy. This includes social skills to help the person function as normally as possible.
It is important for a specialist to evaluate the person for other affective disorders and treat those disorders. Behavioral approaches are important for people with mental retardation.

Back to TopOutlook (Prognosis)

The outcome depends on:
  • Opportunities
  • Other conditions
  • Personal motivation
  • Treatment
Many people lead productive lives and function on their own; others need a structured environment to be most successful.

Back to TopPossible Complications

Complications vary. They may include:
  • Inability to care for self
  • Inability to interact with others appropriately
  • Social isolation

Back to TopWhen to Contact a Medical Professional

Call your health care provider if:
  • You have any concerns about your child's development
  • You notice that your child's motor or language skills are not developing normally
  • Your child has other disorders that need treatment

Back to TopPrevention

Genetic: Prenatal screening for genetic defects and genetic counseling for families at risk for known inherited disorders can decrease the risk of inherited mental retardation.
Social: Government nutrition programs are available to poor children in the first and most critical years of life. These programs can reduce retardation associated with malnutrition. Early intervention in situations involving abuse and poverty will also help.
Toxic: Environmental programs to reduce exposure to lead, mercury, and other toxins will reduce toxin-associated retardation. However, the benefits may take years to become apparent. Increased public awareness of the risks of alcohol and drugs during pregnancy can help reduce the incidence of retardation.
Infectious: The prevention of congenital rubella syndrome is probably one of the best examples of a successful program to prevent one form of mental retardation. Constant vigilance, such as limiting exposure to cat litter that can cause toxoplasmosis during pregnancy, helps reduce retardation that results from this infection.

Back to TopReferences

Shapiro BK, Batshaw ML. Mental retardation (intellectual disability). In: Kliegman RM, Behrman RE, Jenson HB, Stanton BF, eds. Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics . 18th ed. Philadelphia, Pa: Saunders Elsevier;2007:chap 38.


Apa penyebab psikosis?

Sumber: News Medical

Penyebab gejala penyakit mental yang lazim diklasifikasikan sebagai "organik" atau "fungsional". Kondisi organik terutama medis atau patofisiologi, sedangkan, kondisi fungsional terutama psikiatris atau psikologis.
DSM-IV-TR tidak lagi mengklasifikasikan gangguan psikotik sebagai fungsional atau organik. Melainkan daftar penyakit psikotik tradisional, psikosis karena kondisi Kedokteran Umum, dan psikosis yang diinduksi Zat.


Penyebab psikosis fungsional meliputi:
  • tumor otak
  • obat amfetamin penyalahgunaan, kokain, alkohol antara lain
  • kerusakan otak
  • skizofrenia, gangguan schizophreniform, gangguan schizoafektif, gangguan psikotik singkat
  • gangguan bipolar (manik depresi)
  • parah klinis depresi
  • parah stres psikososial
  • kurang tidur
  • beberapa gangguan epilepsi fokal terutama jika lobus temporal dipengaruhi
  • paparan beberapa peristiwa traumatik (kematian kekerasan, dll)
  • tiba-tiba atau over-cepat menarik diri dari obat rekreasi atau diresepkan tertentu
Sebuah episode psikotik dapat secara signifikan dipengaruhi oleh suasana hati. Sebagai contoh, orang yang mengalami episode psikotik dalam konteks depresi mungkin mengalami delusi persecutory atau diri menyalahkan atau halusinasi, sementara orang-orang mengalami episode psikotik dalam konteks mania dapat membentuk delusi megah.
Stres diketahui untuk berkontribusi dan memicu negara psikotik. Riwayat psikologis peristiwa traumatik, dan pengalaman baru-baru ini peristiwa stres, dapat baik berkontribusi pada pengembangan psikosis.
Psikosis singkat dipicu oleh stres yang dikenal sebagai psikosis reaktif singkat, dan pasien dapat pulih secara spontan berfungsi normal dalam waktu dua minggu.
Dalam beberapa kasus yang jarang terjadi, individu dapat tetap dalam keadaan full-blown psikosis selama bertahun-tahun, atau mungkin memiliki gejala psikotik dilemahkan (seperti halusinasi intensitas rendah) hadir paling banyak kali.
Kurang tidur telah dikaitkan dengan psikosis. Namun, ini bukan resiko bagi kebanyakan orang, yang hanya mengalami halusinasi hypnagogic atau hypnopompic, yaitu pengalaman indrawi yang tidak biasa atau pikiran yang muncul saat bangun tidur atau tertidur. Ini adalah fenomena tidur normal dan tidak dianggap tanda-tanda psikosis.
Kekurangan vitamin B12 juga dapat menyebabkan gejala mania dan psikosis.
Kekurangan vitamin D dapat menyebabkan berpikir diubah dan psikosis.
Genetika juga mungkin memiliki peran dalam psikosis. Para kembar empat Genain adalah identik kembar empat yang semuanya didiagnosis dengan skizofrenia.

Umum medis

Psikosis yang timbul dari "organik" (non-psikologis) kondisi kadang-kadang dikenal sebagai psikosis sekunder. Hal ini dapat dikaitkan dengan patologi berikut:
  • gangguan neurologis, termasuk:
    • tumor otak
    • demensia dengan badan Lewy
    • multiple sclerosis
    • sarkoidosis
    • Penyakit Lyme
    • sipilis
    • Penyakit Alzheimer
    • Penyakit Parkinson
    • Anti-reseptor NMDA ensefalitis
  • elektrolit gangguan seperti:
    • hipokalsemia
    • hipernatremia
    • hiponatremia
    • hipokalemia
    • hypomagnesemia
    • hypermagnesemia
    • hypercalcemia
    • hypophosphatemia
    • hipoglikemia
    • lupus
    • AIDS
    • kusta
    • malaria
    • Onset dewasa menghilang leukoencephalopathy materi putih
    • Akhir-onset metachromatic leukodystrophy
    • Cerebral keterlibatan skleroderma (laporan kasus tunggal).
    • Hashimoto ensefalopati, suatu kondisi yang sangat jarang terjadi (sekitar 100 kasus yang dilaporkan).
Psikosis bahkan dapat disebabkan oleh penyakit tampaknya tidak berbahaya seperti flu atau gondok.

Penggunaan narkoba psikoaktif

Berbagai zat psikoaktif (baik legal dan ilegal) telah terlibat dalam menyebabkan, memperburuk, dan / atau mempercepat negara psikotik dan / atau gangguan pada pengguna.
Beberapa obat-obatan seperti fenilpropanolamin bromocriptine dan juga dapat menyebabkan atau memperburuk gejala-gejala psikotik.

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