Isnin, 30 Disember 2013



Puppet Therapy 
Puppet TherapyPuppet Therapy
The power of puppet therapy is that the puppet possesses a soul... the hand of the puppeteer.

Puppet therapy enables children and adults to work out feelings, traumatic situations or attitudes, and to experiment with new and positive behaviours. Puppet therapy works very effectively with young clients "who don't have the vocabulary or the concepts to help therapists understand what their trauma has been and what it has meant to them". If they can use a puppet or a group of puppets - like a family constellation of puppets - they can communicate. Children are very capable of describing scenarios through the use of puppets and portraying the events and actions that have occurred, in a way that they have been unable to do with the use of words alone. Puppet therapy can also work well with adults attempting to cope with a variety of behavioural issues, such as substance abuse, difficult family or work relationships, and physical or psychological abuse.
Puppet Therapy

Sabtu, 28 Disember 2013



Pemakanan zat dan nutrient amat penting bagi mereka yang menggunakan minda  sebagai sumber utama untuk mencari rezeki mahu pun dalam pembelajaran. Menurut American Dietetic Association ( ADA ) Bethany Thayer, MS, RD, otak adalah organ utama tubuh yang menyerap nutrisi dari makanan yang dimakan. Terdapat 10 jenis makanan yang diyakini dapat meransang pertumbuhan sel otak dan tingkat daya ingatan.

Pertama, madu merupakan makanan berkhasiat yang mengandungi pelbagai jenis vitamin, mineral, protein, anti septic dan enzim untuk meningkatkan ingatan dan kecerdasan mental. Manisan madu seeloknya diminum 2 sudu teh pada waktu pagi dan malam. Madu juga mengandungi pelbagai zat galian seperti kalsium, sulfur, fosforus, zatbesi, karbon, magnesium, potassium, kuprum, silika, klorin, manganese dan belerang untuk kesihatan fizikal serta mental.

Kedua, kacang merah mengadungi thiamin atau vitamin B1 yang amat diperlukan oleh otak terutama untuk proses  neurotransmitter yang penting untuk ingatan dan kekurangan vitamin B1 menyumbang kepada faktor kecacatan fungsi mental yang berkaitan dengan peningkatan usia. Biasanya kacang merah dimasukkan ke dalam masakan, contohnya Agar-agar Cendol.

Ketiga, kismis mengandungi zat besi yang amat diperlukan untuk membina darah bagi memastikan bekalan oksigen yang mencukupi untuk disalurkan ke otak. Kekurangan oksigen menyebabkan seseorang mudah mengantuk, pelupa, lembab dan mengalami kelemahan dalam berfikir. Kismis bukan sahaja boleh dimakan begitu sahaja, ia juga boleh dimasukkan ke dalam masakan, contohnya Nasi Kismis Ayam.

Keempat, telur merupakan makanan yang bermanfaat untuk menambah kekuatan otak kerana lengkap dengan protein, mineral, vitamin, kalsium, kuprum, magnesium, fosforus, kalium, sulfur, natrium, klorin, zatbesi, air, choline dan bahan ekstraktif. Bahagian kuning telur ternyata padat dengan kandungan kolin, suatu zat yang dapat membantu perkembangan memori atau daya ingat serta berupaya mengatasi masalah kelemahan tenaga fizikal dan minda. 
Contoh Makanan Minda
Kelima, susu dan yogurt mampu mengenyangkan kerana mengandungi protein dan karbohidrat yang menjadi sumber tenaga bagi keperluan otak. Susu daripada lembu, biri-biri dan kambing dapat mempertajamkan ingatan, membekalkan tenaga mental dan fizikal. Sekurang-kurangnya minumlah segelas susu pada sebelah pagi dan malam kerana ia bukan saja berkhasiat untuk merawati kesihatan umum, malah merupakan penawar penyakit mudah lupa.

Keenam, halia boleh dimakan secara mentah atau dibuat halua yang sangat mustajab untuk mengatasi masalah lupa dan alpa. Halua ialah halia yang dijadikan manis-manisan dengan merebus dan dicampur dengan gula. Halia berfungsi merawat pening kepala, sakit perut, batuk ataupun gatal-gatal dan boleh dimasukkan ke dalam pelbagai jenis masakan. Contohnya, Daging Halia.

Ketujuh, ikan salmon merupakan ikan berlemak yang mengandungi asam lemak omega-3 DHA dan EPA. Kedua-duanya penting untuk pertumbuhan dan perkembangan fungsi otak. Kajian menunjukkan bahawa seseorang yang mengambil asam lemak memiliki pemikiran yang lebih tajam dan dapat mencatatkan hasil yang memuaskan dalam ujian kemampuan.

Kelapan, oat kaya dengansumber vitamin E, vitamin B dan potassium, Omega-3, folat dan kalium yang mampu menyediakan tenaga atau bahan bakar untuk keperluan otak.Oat juga mempunyai kandungan serat yang dapat membantu otak berfungsi dengan baik. Oat boleh dimakan bersama susu panas atau dimasukkan ke dalam pelbagai menu masakan.

Kesembilan, amalan memakan berry akan menguatkan fungsi otak yang semakin berkurangan akibat peningkatan usia. Semua jenis berry seperti blackberry, bluberry, strawberry, ras berry, cran berry dan cerry mengandungi flavonoid dan antosianin yang berguna untuk tubuh khususnya di bahagian otak. Kajian menunjukkan mereka yang mendapatkan ekstrak blueberry dan strawberry mengalami perbaikian dalam fungsi daya ingatnya.

Disediakan oleh,
Chua Bee Lan

Jumaat, 13 Disember 2013

The WHO Family of International Classifications

The WHO constitution mandates the production of international classifications on health so that there is a consensual, meaningful and useful framework which governments, providers and consumers can use as a common language.
Internationally endorsed classifications facilitate the storage, retrieval, analysis, and interpretation of data. They also permit the comparison of data within populations over time and between populations at the same point in time as well as the compilation of nationally consistent data.
The purpose of the WHO Family of International Classifications (WHO-FIC)is to promote the appropriate selection of classifications in the range of settings in the health field across the world.
The basis for the WHO Family of International Classifications and the principles governing the admission of classifications are set out in the paper on the "WHO Family of International Classifications'. This paper also provides a protocol to those wishing to submit a classification for inclusion in the WHO-FIC.

Types of Classifications

The WHO-FIC is comprised of:
1. Reference Classifications: Main classifications on basic parameters of health. These classifications have been prepared by the World Health Organization and approved by the Organization's governing bodies for international use
2. Derived classifications
Derived classifications are based on the reference classifications( i.e. ICD and ICF) .

Classifications and Clinical Terminologies

Classifications capture snapshot views of population health using such parameters as death, disease, functionality, disability, health and health interventions, which inform management and decision making process in the health system. Over time they also provide insight on trends, which informs the planning and decision making processes by health authorities. The multiplicity of possible perspectives on health results in a variety of classifications. Their necessary evolution poses challenges for consistency. More recently, the varied applications in health information systems and the general availability of information and telecommunication technologies (ICT) has highlighted the need for increased interoperability.
The base line information that is aggregated for public health purposes is increasingly derived from health records, which contain both patient care related information, and also information that is crucial for management, health financing and general health system administration. The accuracy and consistency of the health records is crucial to ensure the quality of care and sound management of health systems resources. This calls for accurate and consistent use of clinical terminologies and recognition of the particular importance of semantic interoperability.
Possible synergies between classifications and clinical terminologies, have been identified crucial for future work, particularly in the perspective of a growing automation of information processing. WHO and its network of collaborating centres are taking steps in that direction.

International Classification of Health Interventions (ICHI)

The purpose of this classification is to provide Member States, health care service providers and organizers, and researchers with a common tool for reporting and analysing the distribution and evolution of health interventions for statistical purposes. It is structured with various degrees of specificity for use at the different levels of the health systems, and uses a common accepted terminology in order to permit comparison of data between countries and services.
History: The need to classify interventions first emerged in 1971. It was initially limited to surgical procedures. The first International Classification of Procedures in Medicine (ICPM) was published in 1978. International work on the subject came to a virtual halt in 1989 , because of the inadequacy of the consultation procedures with regard to the necessary adaptability to rapid and extensive changes in the field.
A number of countries, however, undertook work for national purposes. The resulting classifications came short of providing adequate tools for use at the international level. Today, the need for an international classification has reemerged with a wider scope. The envisaged International Classification of Health Interventions aims to cover a wide range of measures taken for curative and preventive purposes by medical, surgical and other health-related care services.
Current status: In recent years, the Network of WHO Collaborating Centres for the Family of International Classifications has promoted the development of a short list of health Interventions for international use, based on the Australian Modification of the International Classification of Diseases, 10th revision (ICD-10-AM) It is intended to be used in countries that do not, as yet, have their own classification of interventions.
An initial ICHI version is being adapted to meet present day conformance criteria with recognized standards. In particular, the multiple application areas of such a classification calls for a multiaxial capture of the underlying knowledge. Furthermore rapid change in science and technology implies frequent updates. Adequate technical solutions must therefore be developed. The Family Development Committee of the Network of WHO Collaborating Centers for the Family of international Classifications is actively developing plans and canvassing support to that end.